Delayed Sword Self Defense Technique
(Front: Right lapel grab)
In this technique, a handsword is employed to counterattack a lapel grab. However, the handsword (sword) will be delayed from the initial defensive move by a kick.
Synthesized Text:
From a natural stance, step back with your left foot into a right neutral bow (facing 12:00) while executing a right inward block to your opponent’s right wrist. Position your left hand near your solar plexus as a precautionary check.
Slide your right foot back into a cat stance.
Deliver a right front snap kick to your opponent’s groin.
Plant your right foot forward into a right neutral bow (facing 12:00), checking your opponent’s right knee, while delivering a right outward handsword strike to their neck (right side). Keep your left hand in check position and then slide your right hand to your opponent’s wrist.
Full Text :
1. While Standing Naturally, step back with your left foot toward 6:00 into a right neutral bow stance facing 12:00, while simultaneously executing a right inward block to the right inner wrist of your opponent. At the same time position your left hand at solar-plexus level as a precautionary check against further action. (Your block should clear your opponent’s right arm, and expose the width of his body.)
2. Immediately slide your right foot back into a cat stance.
3. Without hesitation deliver a right front snap ball kick to your opponent’s groin. (Your opponent’s reaction should cause him to bend forward at the waist.)
4. Plant your right foot forward into a right neutral bow (facing 12:00) to check your opponent’s right knee, as you deliver a right outward handsword strike to the right side of your opponent’s neck. Remember to maintain the position of your left hand as a precautionary check. Immediately slide your right hand (after the strike) to the right wrist of your opponent as a precautionary check. (Your opponent’s response should cause him to fall to the ground.)